Small Wedding At Moses Lake Wa | Wedding Photographer
I've finally decided to branch out a bit more and adventure into exciting world of wedding photography. Here is my very first wedding and hoping for more to come soon.

This was a small wedding that took place on a beautiful property at Moses Lake, WA. The place was right on the lake and was gorgeous especially at sunset. I took all of the ceremony pictures there, some before the ceremony, such as the rings, the dress, the little decorations and so on. Then, I proceded to take portraits of just the bride and groom and their imidiate family and a wilderness park. It had gorgeous light and big open fields. Making it perfect for magical pictures.

I didn't know how I would feel about shooting weddings. My number one concern was what if my camera goes caput on me or my lens? I had to make sure I had a back up camera in place and plenty of memory cards to take all those special pictures. I ended taking close to 2000 pictures that day. Luckily I was able to narrow it down to just 100 final images.

It was fun and exciting witnessing such a special moment in this couples lives. I'm so glad I got to be a part of it. I wish you both lifetime of happiness and joy!