Fall Senior Session At North Bend, WA
Today I had such a great time capturing precious High School Senior pictures for a very beautiful and sweet young girl. We had so much fun together!

The session didn’t start of so great at the beginning though. When we got to our chosen location it was pouring down rain. I wasn’t too thrilled about it to say the least, but I was prepared. I brought a few choices of cute umbrellas, and I waterproofed a blanket.

We’ve decided that a clear umbrella was the best fit. I slapped a hand towel on top of my camera to prevent it from getting too wet, and off we went trying to get some nice pictures in the rain.

They actually came our really nice. Maysen was such a good sport, she was really having fun doing it and didn’t complain once. After I took a few pictures with umbrella I was really hoping that the rain would slow down and go away completely, but it refused! Augh!

I’ve decided trying to get some pictures under a big tree where there wouldn’t be so much rain, and it worked, the tree not only shielded Maysen from getting wet, but it was so big that it even covered me as well, which was nice not to have to worry about my camera.

I got some really nice and pretty pictures of Maysen by the tree. In a way I’m kind of glad that the rain happened, because it forced me to do shoots where I normally wouldn’t and the results came out amazing!

Then, a miracle! Just as I was done telling Maysen’s mom that we would probably have to reschedule so I can get more good pictures, the rain all of the sudden seized and never came back! Needless to say we were all ecstatic! Now I could relax and let the creative juices flow, and get some really good shots!

I have to say I got a little too carried away. Maysen is so photogenic and was so much fun to photograph, that when I came home and uploaded images onto my Mac, I realized that I took over 700 images! And almost all of them were really good!
I seriously was concerned if I would be able to narrow them down, I finally succeeded in narrowing them down to 180 images. But I still had to narrow it down to 100 at the most. The good news, is that all of them will be amazing, so I am happy about that.

After it stopped raining we were able to get to the lake and get some magical shots there. During this time of year Rattlesnake Lake is absolutely gorgeous. It starts to get drained around September through October, revealing many stumps full of twisted roots that add a fairy tale feel.
There was also lots of fog in the mountains, that added to the magical feel, and really helped to capture the essence of Pacific North West. If I didn’t have to work I would probably just stare at the view for a whole hour, that’s how gorgeous it was.

Maysen has absolutely gorgeous hair! I wanted to make sure that I was able to show case it in her pictures. I had her do a lot of poses that really brought out her hair. She also has a very beautiful smile so I wanted to make sure to capture that as well, and I’m happy to say that I was successful in both.
All in all the whole thing was a ton of fun and I got so many great images, a little too many!